Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
Call: (800)965-4665
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A Better Way

The tommy™ patented 21st century technology installs silt fence faster and easier than trenching. Just like GPS and laser screening technology, you are investing in the results (not the equipment).


The tommy™ Difference

tommy™ Slices through the soil disrupting it upwards, creating a pliable soil condition that secures the fabric in the slice. This prevents the fabric from being pulled out of the slice when turning or traversing a water way. This is critical because other slicing methods horizontally compact the interior of the slice outward, creating a soil condition that allows the fabric to easily slide out, thus causing significantly more labor and machine downtime to reinstall the fabric.

All this in one proven, trouble-free operation.


Best of all, the tommy™ turns easily to avoid obstacles and creates “smiles” to contain runoff. The tommy™ actually slices through most obstacles, even eight inch thick cobble and concrete waste, by pushing it to one side. However, if you do snag a hard buried object, the tommy™ is protected by a grade 5 shear bolt to prevent damage to the machine.


Customer Comments

I bought my first tommy™ in ’98 and second in 2000. We’ve probably installed a couple of million feet of silt fence, so we’ve definitely challenged it in as many ways as possible. Some of these soils in California are nearly impenetrable, but we get it done with the tommy™. It just plain works great.

John Gallion
M-IV Equipment Rental Inc.
Santa Paula, CA