Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
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tommy™ Silt Fence Installation Machine

The tommy™ is the original slicing technology, patented for its engineered solution resulting in fast, quality installation. Others, like the “silt fence plow”, attempt to copy the tommy™ results, but fall short in their endeavors. Contractors want to know the difference between the tommy™ silt fence machine and silt fence plows. See the differences in action.


The tommy™ wheel is fully guaranteed!


The tommy™ has been proven effective in every soil type, even the most difficult such as saturated soils, rocky soils, and hard, baked compacted clay. The tommy™ operates in the most difficult weather and terrain conditions, such as high winds and steep slopes.


The tommy™ Superiority



Proven To Be The Fastest and Most Effective Equipment
Over 21 Years, 1700 Machines, 40 States, 0 Returns

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Customer Comments

The durability, ease of operation, and ability to install large amounts of fence per day with a two-man crew, made the tommy™ a wise choice when considering our method for installation. We purchased a tommy™ May 2003 and have installed in some of the worst conditions Florida has to offer; the machine has hit everything from engine blocks to refrigerators with no damage to the machine. I attribute our growth over the past year to the tommy™ and plan to purchase another in the future.

Jobie Watson
Twin Oaks Environmental
Winter Park, FL