Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
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Burchland vs tommy™

Contractors want to know the difference between the tommy™ silt fence machine and Burchland silt fence.   The tommy™ is a machine because it is engineered to achieve end goals of efficiency and quality installation in all conditions – slopes, sharp turns, and tight spaces. 


Simply put, the tommy™ silt fence machine scientifically disrupts the soil into a pliable medium that will secure the silt fence fabric in the slice without an extra man holding it, in as with a Burchland silt fence.


A secure fabric installation prevents significant downtimes, lowers operating costs, and increases the hourly efficiency of your crews! 


The tommy™ simply outperforms the Burchland for a comparable price with less manpower.

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The plows drag through the soil like a 2 x 4, without design or regard to the end results. creating a compacted slice, resulting in silt fence fabric loosely installed. Why does that matter to a contractor? As you can see from the videos, in any condition other than a flat straight line, the plows need an extra man to help keep the fabric in the soil.  And when the fabric pulls out in a turn or terrain change, it takes a lot of extra man hours to fix the installation – that means more time and higher costs!  





Customer Comments

I purchased the tommy™ in 1997 as I anticipated potential growth of the erosion control industry. We’ve grown by leaps and bounds since then, and the tommy™ has led the way. We run the heck out of it and it just keeps working. It goes into very hard ground and doesn’t take much H.P. It’s also important that we can use it on different equipment, which really gives us flexibility.

Jeff Trog
Valley Erosion Control
Inner Grove Heights, MN