Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
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Installation Specifications

Click here to see a PDF of the Installation Specifications.



Download (DWG file) Slicing CAD file 1

Download (DXF file) Slicing CAD file 2



Customer Comments

Because we manage all SWPPP compliance activities at our clients’ job sites, we believe in installing silt fence that works. We’re big believers in the tommy™ Silt Fence Machine, and the whole concept of eliminating the use of failure-prone trenches for silt fence installation---because it’s simply a better way. A more cost-effective way, a more productive way, and a way that provides better compliance for our clients---what else can I say? We love the tommy™. Two years of daily, high volume, heavy-duty use has proven the tommy™ to be an absolutely reliable workhorse. It’s never let us down. Silt fence wouldn’t be the much-maligned BMP that it is today if more installers used the tommy™.

Robert C. Adair
Construction EcoServices, LLC
Houston, TX