Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
Call: (800)965-4665
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Comparison Data

The results are in - using the tommy™ will improve your bottom line.


Materials Costs

Trencher The tommy™
Prefab. cost $0.25 / ft
Labor ($100/500') $0.20 / ft
Minimum Cost $0.45 / ft
Material $0.10 / ft
Labor $0.10 / ft
Wood Posts $0.07 / ft
Minimum Cost $0.27 / ft



Productivity Impact

Trencher The tommy™
500'/man x 3 men x $1.00 / ft.
$1500 profit / day
1000'/man x 3 men x $1.00 / ft.
$3000 profit / day


Doubling the linear feet installed means halving the time spent at a client’s site, meaning you can service more clients in the same time with the same crew!



Customer Comments

I purchased the tommy™ in 1997 as I anticipated potential growth of the erosion control industry. We’ve grown by leaps and bounds since then, and the tommy™ has led the way. We run the heck out of it and it just keeps working. It goes into very hard ground and doesn’t take much H.P. It’s also important that we can use it on different equipment, which really gives us flexibility.

Jeff Trog
Valley Erosion Control
Inner Grove Heights, MN