Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
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Skid Pro vs tommy™

Contractors want to know the difference between the tommy™ silt fence machine and Skid Pro. The tommy™ is a machine because it is engineered to achieve end goals of efficiency and quality installation in all conditions – slopes, sharp turns, and tight spaces. 


Simply put, the tommy™ silt fence machine scientifically disrupts the soil into a pliable medium that will secure the silt fence fabric in the slice without an extra man holding it, in as with a Skid Pro.


A secure fabric installation prevents significant downtimes, lowers operating costs, and increases the hourly efficiency of your crews!


The tommy™ simply outperforms the Skid Pro for a comparable price with less manpower.

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The plows drag through the soil like a 2 x 4, without design or regard to the end results. creating a compacted slice, resulting in silt fence fabric loosely installed. Why does that matter to a contractor? As you can see from the videos, in any condition other than a flat straight line, the plows need an extra man to help keep the fabric in the soil.  And when the fabric pulls out in a turn or terrain change, it takes a lot of extra man hours to fix the installation – that means more time and higher costs!  





Customer Comments

I’ve had the tommy™ for five years now, and never had any problems on my sites, even with the stringent North Carolina regs. We run a couple of different companies, but with the tommy™ I can send out a relatively inexperienced crew and still get great looking fence. It gives us a very professional look with tight, non-sagging fence.

Curtis Lynn
Pressure Works Inc
Charlotte, NC