Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
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Recently updated in 2003, ASTM D6462-03 on silt fence materials and installation requires compaction to be at least 50% of the insitu soil. To facilitate compaction, the specification also better defined the trench to be level full after compaction. As this updated specification is implemented, trenching will become economically unfeasible.


Customer Comments

The durability, ease of operation, and ability to install large amounts of fence per day with a two-man crew, made the tommy™ a wise choice when considering our method for installation. We purchased a tommy™ May 2003 and have installed in some of the worst conditions Florida has to offer; the machine has hit everything from engine blocks to refrigerators with no damage to the machine. I attribute our growth over the past year to the tommy™ and plan to purchase another in the future.

Jobie Watson
Twin Oaks Environmental
Winter Park, FL