Effective Silt Fence Installation Equipment
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Recently updated in 2003, ASTM D6462-03 on silt fence materials and installation requires compaction to be at least 50% of the insitu soil. To facilitate compaction, the specification also better defined the trench to be level full after compaction. As this updated specification is implemented, trenching will become economically unfeasible.


Customer Comments

Because we manage all SWPPP compliance activities at our clients’ job sites, we believe in installing silt fence that works. We’re big believers in the tommy™ Silt Fence Machine, and the whole concept of eliminating the use of failure-prone trenches for silt fence installation---because it’s simply a better way. A more cost-effective way, a more productive way, and a way that provides better compliance for our clients---what else can I say? We love the tommy™. Two years of daily, high volume, heavy-duty use has proven the tommy™ to be an absolutely reliable workhorse. It’s never let us down. Silt fence wouldn’t be the much-maligned BMP that it is today if more installers used the tommy™.

Robert C. Adair
Construction EcoServices, LLC
Houston, TX